Kuang-Yi Ku
Kuang-Yi Ku lives and works both in Taiwan and the Netherlands. He is an assistant professor at the Institute of Applied Arts in NYCU, Taiwan, and is doing his PhD research at Sheffield Hallam University, UK. The research topic is the interdisciplinary practice between art, design, and bioscience. He has graduated with triple master's degrees in social design from Design Academy Eindhoven, dentistry from National Yang-Ming University, and communication design from Shih Chien University. He is a former dentist, bio-artist, and speculative designer. He also co-founded TW BioArt (Taiwan bio art community) to stimulate the fields of BioArt and Science+Art in Taiwan. His works often deal with the human body, sexuality, interspecies interaction, and medical technology, aiming to investigate the relationships among technology, individuals and the environment.
Kuang-Yi Ku won Bio Art & Design Award in 2022 and Core77 Speculative Design Award in 2023 for the project “Atlas of Queer Anatomy”. His “Tiger Penis Project” has been awarded Gijs Bakker Award 2018, the annual prize for the best project by a graduating master’s student in Design Academy Eindhoven. He also won the 1st prize in the Taipei Digital Art Awards in 2015 with “The Fellatio Modification Project”, where he involves body modification, gender studies, queer theories, and dentistry all together. His works were featured in international media such as New Scientist, The Huffington Post, Elephant Magazine, DAMN° Magazine, Dezeen, Designboom, VICE, Dazed Digital, Daily Mail, New York Post, and so on.
2021-2026, PhD, Lab4Living, Culture and Creativity Research Institute, Sheffield Hallam University, UK
2018 Master of Arts, Social Design, Design Academy Eindhoven, Netherlands
2015 Master of Design, Communications Design, Shih Chien University, Taiwan
2015 Master of Dental Science, National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan
2009 Doctor of Dental Surgery, Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan
2023-ongoing Assistant Professor, Institute of Applied Arts, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
2023-ongoing Tutor, MA Social Design, Design Academy Eindhoven
2023 Guest Tutor, MA Ecology Futures, Master Institute of Visual Cultures - St. Joost School of Art & Design
2021-2023 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Institute of Applied Art, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
2020 Adjunct Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Design, Shih Chien University
2019-2023 Lecturer, Bio Art course, Department of New Media Art, Taipei National University of the Arts
2024 National Culture and Arts Foundation "Interdisciplinary Innovative Art Project”, Taiwan
2023 The Best Dutch Book Design, Netherlands
2023 Dutch Design Awards, Design Research, Nominee, Netherlands
2023 Core77 Design Award, Speculative Design Award, Professional Winner, US
2023 Pan Asian Award, Innovation Award, Nominee, Netherlands
2022 British Council, International Collaboration Grants
2022 Bio Art & Design Award, Winner, Netherlands
2021 Taipei Art Awards, Selected Award
2020 Design Trust Grant, Hong Kong
2019 Amsterdam Fund for the Arts (AFK), 3 Package Deal (Social Design), Netherlands
2019 Stimuleringsfonds, Talent Development, Netherlands
2019 Core77 Design Award, Speculative Design Award, Student Notable, US
2019 Creation Grants, “CREATORS Creative/Support Project”, Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab (C-Lab), Taiwan
2019 Creation Grants, Arts and Technology: Creative Innovation and Counseling Project, Ministry of Taiwan
2019 Stimuleringsfonds, design grants, Netherlands
2019 National Culture and Arts Foundation Grants (International cultural exchange), Taiwan
2018 Stimuleringsfonds, Starting grants, Netherlands
2018 National Culture and Arts Foundation Grants (creation grant), Taiwan
2018 Gijs Bakker Award 2018, Winner, Netherlands
2018 Future Food Design Award, Nominee, Netherlands
2018 National Culture and Arts Foundation Grants, Taiwan
2016 National Culture and Arts Foundation Grants, Taiwan
2016 “The Fellatio Modification Project” selected in “MOUTHY- Into The Orifice”, Science Gallery London
2016 Scholarship of Taiwan Government Sponsorship for Overseas Study (Transdisciplinary Art)
2016 Creation Grants, Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government
2015 Taipei Digital Art Awards, The First Prize
2012 Exhibition of the Newly Emerging Artists in Taiwan 3D Creation Series, Selected
2011 Geisai Taiwan 3, Most popular award
2024 Preliminary Review Committee Member, ΔDesignArt 2024 Exhibition Open Call
2024 Jury Member, Biomechanics Comic Competition
2023 Jury Member, STT “Future of the Body” Design Competition
2023 Preliminary Review Committee Member, Second Ideathon Competition
2020-now Founder, Coevolution Research Assembly (an NPO of artist and scientist collaboration)
2015-2016 Committee (Cultural Policy Consultant), Commission on Youth, Taipei City Government
2014-2020 Co-founder, Ouroboros - Organic Organism of O (Artist Collective)
2012-now Co-founder, TW BioArt (Taiwan BioArt Community)
2011-2015 Dentist, Private Dental Clinic
2009-2011 Dentist, Taipei Veterans General Hospital
2020-2022 STUDIOTOPIA – Art meets Science in the Anthropocene
hosted by GLUON in collaboration with VIB Grand Challenge Program (BE)
Funded by Creative Europe program of the European Union
2019-2020 “3 Package Deal”, social design category (Waag Society + Next Nature Network), Amsterdam,
Netherlands. Funded by Amsterdam Fund for the Arts (AFK)
2018 AirWG, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2018 Waag Society, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Funded by National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
2016 Eindhoven, Netherlands
Funded by World Design Capital Taipei 2016 (Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government)
2016 FACT (Foundation for Art and Creative Technology), Liverpool, UK
Funded by National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
31/08/2024 Bat Night Market (Taiwan Premiere)
~01/09/2024 Taipei Arts Festival, Taipei, Taiwan
Leading Artist with Rob Johnson
11/06/2024 Bat Night Market (World Premiere)
~15/06/2024 LIFT (London International Festival of Theatre, London, UK
Leading Artist with Rob Johnson
26/08/2023 Bat Banquet - 3rd Work-In-Progress Presentation
~27/08/2023 Taipei Arts Festival, Taipei Backstage Pool, Taipei, Taiwan
Leading Artist with Rob Johnson
25/03/2023 Bat Brunch Lab
Science Gallery London, London, UK
Leading Artist with Rob Johnson
25/09/2022 Bat Feast Lab
Taipei Arts Festival, National Taiwan Science Education Center, Taipei, Taiwan
Leading Artist with Rob Johnson
29/11/2024 Queer Anatomy Lesson
Yonghe Community University, Taiwan
04/08/2024 AI Dream Interpretation Workshop
48x48 GAYA, Hualien, Taiwan
Tutor with Tzu-Yen Chen, Dondon Hounwn, Temu Basaw
21/07/2024 Cli-Fi Workshop - Future Press Lab
Hong-Gah Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
Tutor with Yi-Chi Wang, Shun-Te Wang
11/05/2023 Queer Anatomy Lesson
“Making Clinical Sense Fringe Editions” Making TOGETHER, Maastricht, Netherlands
Tutor with dermatologist Henry de Vries
04/04/2023 Queer Anatomy Lesson
Amsterdam UMC, Netherlands
Tutor with dermatologist Henry de Vries
01/12/2022 Queer Anatomy Lesson
National Congress STI*HIV*Sex 2022, Utrecht, Netherlands
Tutor with dermatologist Henry de Vries
23/11/2022 Drawing an Atlas of Queer Anatomy
MU Hybrid Art House, Eindhoven, Netherlands
Tutor with dermatologist Henry de Vries
09/10/2022 Cli-fi Workshop - Future Press Lab
Social Innovation Lab, Taipai, Taiwan
Tutor with climate scientist Yi-Chi Wang
02/10/2022 Bio Art Workshop - Filthy Anatomy Lesson
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taipei, Taiwan
Tutor with dermatologist Henry de Vries
31/03/2022 Food Design Workshop
Hosted by Dimension Plus TW and National Taichung Theater
National Chung-Hsing Senior High School
Taichung Municipal Dajia Senior High School
02/08/2020 Designing Disease - the Theatre of Future Medicine
Department of Industrial Design, Shih Chien University
02/08/2020 Imagining a Bio Lab
Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab (C-LAB), Taipei, Taiwan
Tutor with Paul Gong
04/07/2020 Fictional Life: Hybridity, Transgenics, Innovation - Future Body Imagination
Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab (C-LAB), Taipei, Taiwan
Tutor with Paul Gong
16/11/2019 Food Design Workshop (Microwave International New Media Arts Festival)
Exhibition Hall, Hong Kong City Hall, Hong Kong
Tutor with Adelaide Tam
30/06/2019 Heartbeat of the Earth
De Ketelfactory, Schiedam, Netherlands
Tutor with Arita Baaijens and Corine Datema
14/01/2019 Bioart - Imagining the Laboratories of Artists
~16/01/2019 Department of New Media Art, Taipei National University of the Arts, Taiwan
Tutor with Paul Gong, Theresa Tsao, Pei-Ying Lin
13/10/2018 Asian Futurism Dinner
Natlab, Eindhoven, Netherlands
Artist with Pei-Ying Lin
06/10/2018 Tiger Penis: The Future of Chinese Medicine
Mediamatic, Amsterdam, Netherlands
04/10/2018 The body as sensor: fortune telling by pulse
Waag Society, Amsterdam, Netherlands
09/06/2018 Workshop derived from the Tiger Penis Project - Workshop About Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Baltan Laboratories, Eindhoven, Netherlands
13/10/2017 Workshop with Kuang-Yi Ku
FACT Lab, Liverpool, UK
29/07/2017, Workshop of Biological Fortunetelling
05/08/2017 Yiri Living Space, Taipei, Taiwan
Tutor with Pei-Ying Lin, Paul Gong, Ai Hasegawa and Yiyun Chen
02/11/2016 Fellatio Modification Project: Sex and Dentistry Skills Workshop
London Dental Education Center, London, UK
16/08/2015 Bio-fiction Taiwan - Bio-Art Workshop
National Taiwan Science Education Center, Taipei, Taiwan
Tutor with Pei-Ying Lin
30/05/2015 The Future of Body Modification - Bio-Art Workshop
National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
14/11/2014 Bio-fiction of Electrophysiology - Bioart Workshop
~19/11/2014 Shih Chien University, Taipei, Taiwan
Tutor, with Pei-Ying Lin, Cheng Guo and Yi-Ling Wu
23/04/2014 Dildomancy - Sexology workshop
Kedai Kebun Forum, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Tutor, with Pechblenda and Cindy Lin
11/10/2013 “Living, Food, and Its Extend” - Bioart Workshop
~ 12/10/2013 National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan
Tutor, with Pei-Ying Lin
Conferences & Art Festivals
31/10/2024 11th International Biennial Conference on Museum Studies
Taipei National University of the Arts, Taipei, Taiwan
27/09/2024 Collecting and Assembling: The Atlas as Method Roundtable Forum
Conference of German Society for Media Studies, Johannes Gutenberg University,
Mainz, Germany
07/02/2023 3rd International Temporal Design Symposium “Designing Temporal Ecologies”
~08/02/2023 Design Informatics, University of Edinburgh, UK
02/11/2022 “Border Sessions” Tech Culture conference
The Grey Space in the Middle, The Hague, Netherlands
16/10/2022 Technology and Art - “Grandmom Mom” Project
Science Communication Conference, National Science and Technology Council
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taipei, Taiwan
04/11/2019 “Brave New World” conference
Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden, Netherlands
07/09/2019 Gogbot conference
Wilminktheater en Muziekcentrum, Enschede, Netherlands
06/07/2019 Public event of Placebo effect conference
Rijksmuseum Boerhaave/Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands
Attending presenter
29/08/2018~ 4S Sydney - TRANSnational STS, Society for Social Studies of Science Annual Conference
01/09/2018 Sydney International Convention Centre, Sydney, Australia
Attending presenter
01/10/2015 Neolife -The Inaugural Rest of the World Meeting of the Society for
Literature, Science and The Arts
The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia
Attending presenter
02/10/2014 Arse Elektronika - Conference of Sex and Technology
~05/10/2014 Center for Sex and Culture, San Francisco, US
Attending presenter
04/08/2014 TransHACKfeminist! - Conference of Feminism
~11/08/2014 Ca La Fou, Barcelona, Spain
Attending presenter
13/04/2014 Hackterialab 2014
~25/04/2014 Kedai Kebun Forum, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
2024 19th Digital Art Festival Taipei - Chimera Island, C-LAB, Taipei, Taiwan
Curator with Hsiang Wen Chen
2023 “WeWe Futures: Tap to your future”, Taiwan Design Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
2024 “The Best Dutch Book Designs 2023”, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Netherlands
2024 “PIXEL GODS. TAIWAN DIGITAL”, L.E.V. Festival, Matadero Madrid, Madrid, Spain
2024–2026 “School of the End of the World”, National Taiwan Science Education Center, Taipei, Taiwan
2024 “Gods of Water: Kuang Yi Ku Solo Exhibition”, Hong-Gah Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
2024 “Superpower Design”, Centre for Innovation and Design, Grand-Hornu, Belgium
2024 “Living Looonger”, De Studio NEMO Science Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2023 “Dutch Design Awards” at Dutch Design Week, Miceolab Hall, Eindhoven, Netherlands
2023 “Love, Designed”, Design Museum Den Bosch, Den Bosch, Netherlands
2023 “Repetition and Difference: Posthuman.Diverse Species”, NYCU Arts Center, Hsinchu, Taiwan
2023 “Co-becoming (s)”, Museum of National Taipei University of Education, Taipei, Taiwan
2022 “Beyond Borders and Binaries”, MU Hybrid Art House, Eindhoven, Netherlands
2022 “The Planetarian”, Beijing Design Festival, Beijing, China
2022 “Reproduction Otherwise”, MU Hybrid Art House, Eindhoven, Netherlands
2022 “IWAKAN MAGAZINE 5th EXHIBITION”, gallery -1, Tokyo, Japan
2022 “WeWe Futures: 2040 Plurality”, Taiwan Design Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
2022 “Taoyuan Art x Technology Festival (TAxT)”, Taoyuan Arts Center, Taoyuan, Taiwan
2022 “STUDIO(dys)TOPIA – At the Peak of Humankind”, Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria
2022 “Entangled: bio/media”, Chronus Art Center (CAC), Shanghai, China
2022 “Zagreb Design Week”, Zagreb, Croatia
2022 “Unknown Unknowns”, Triennale Milano, Milan, Italy
2022 “Colliding Epistemes: Art & Science Exhibition”, Cluj Culture Center, Cluj, Romania
2022 “Colliding Epistemes: Science for Art's sake?”, Bozar, Brussels, Belgium
2022 “The 5th Anniversary of Jut Art Museum - LIVES: Life, Survival, Living”, Jut Art Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
2022 “Colliding Epistemes: Art, Science, Anthropocene”,Laznia Center for Contemporary Art, Gdansk, Poland
2021 “Taipei Art Awards”, Taipei Fine Art Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
2021 “Provocative Futures II: Speculation, Medical Science, Human Body and Gender”, Digital Art Center, Taipei, Taiwan
2021 “Phantasmapolis - 2021 Asian Art Biennial”, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, , Taichung, Taiwan
2021 “Embassy of Food”, Dutch Design Week, Eindhoven, Netherlands
2021 “Embassy of Inclusive Society”, Dutch Design Week, Eindhoven, Netherlands
2021 “It’s in our Nature”, Dutch Design Week, Eindhoven, Netherlands
2021 “Kuang-Yi Ku: Form Follows Fiction”,Willem Twee Kunstruimte, Den Bosch, Netherlands
2021 “Folk is Strange Thing”, Ziemniaki, Warsaw, Poland
2021 “Grandmom Mom”, Honggah Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
2021 “Interspecies Future”, Center for Book Arts, New York, US
2021 "Dwell in Light-2021 Treasure Hill Light Festival”, Treasure Hill Artist Village, Taipei, Taiwan
2020 “CHRONIQUES - Biennale of Digital Imagination”, Marseille, France
2020 “Taiwan HYPE Exhibition”, Taipei. Taiwan
2020 “Sci-fi Prototype”, Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab (C-LAB), Taipei, Taiwan
2020 "Embassy of Health" - World Design Embassies, virtual exhibition
2020 "Genetic (R)evolution: BioArt Exhibition" National Yangming University Arts Center, Taipei, Taiwan
2020 “Taiwan Biennial”, VT Art Salon, Taipei, Taiwan
2020 "new now - critical, speculative and fictional“, Sunsun Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
2020 “Provocative Futures: Speculation, human body, and medical science - Paul Gong & Kuang-Yi Ku Double Solo Exhibition”, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan
2020 Unpacking the 3Pckage Deal 2019/2020, VondelCS, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2020 Artificial Unit, TheCube Project Space, Taipei, Taiwan
2020 Uncertainty Seminars, Stroom Den Haag, Netherlands
2019 “State of Extremes", Design Museum Holon, Holon, Israel
2019 “Microwave International New Media Arts Festival E.A.T.”, Exhibition Hall, Low Block, Hong Kong City Hall, Hong Kong
2019 “RTS: ReTranSens - 14th Digital Art Festival Taipei”, Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei, Taiwan
2019 “Inscience International Film Festival”, Mariënburgkapel, Nijmegen, Netherlands
2019 “Przemiany Festival”, Copernicus Science Centre, Warsaw, Poland
2019 “Embassy of Health”,klokgebouw, Eindhoven, Netherlands
2019 “City Flip-Flop”, C-Lab, Taipei, Taiwan
2019 “Ars Electronica”, “Human Limitations – Limited Humanity”, POSTCITY Linz, Austria
2019 “Gogbot Festival”, “Bio The New Digital”, Grote Kerk, Enschede, Netherlands
2019 “Friday Late: Pick of the Litter”, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK
2019 “Farming the Future - Zoom in and Out”, TAC, Eindhoven, Netherlands
2019 “Beyond Species - The art exhibition”, FIT, New York, America
2019 “Creatures Made to Measure”, Design Museum Gent, Gent, Belgium
2019 “Milan re-used”, Yksi Expo, Eindhoven, Netherlands
2019 “Future (H)eart(H): 8 Dutch Design visions for a livable earth” Ventura Future, Base Milano, Milan, Italy
2019 “TEC ART” festival, Worm Slash Gallery, Rotterdam, Netherlands
2018 “Tiger Penis Project Exhibition”, Baltan Laboratories, Eindhoven, Netherlands
2018 “L.A.B: 2018 NCKU Bi²ennale – Technology and Art”, NCKU Art Center, Tainan, Taiwan
2018 “ReShape - Mutating Systems, Bodies and Perspectives”, MU artspace, Eindhoven, Netherlands
2018 “Embassy of Food - Edible Invisible”, De Witte Dame, Eindhoven, Netherlands
2018 “G18 - Graduation Show of Design Academy Eindhoven”, De Campina, Eindhoven, Netherlands
2018 “Embassy of Health - Chronic Health”, Innovation Powerhouse, Eindhoven, Netherlands
2017 “Designing Desire”, FACT, Liverpool, UK
2017 “Materialising the Internet”, MU, Eindhoven, Netherlands
2017 “Atypical Human”, YIRI Arts, Taipei, Taiwan
2017 “Future Lab”, Play Design Hotel, Taipei,Taiwan
2017 “Satyricon”, Yiri Arts at Kaohsiung’s Pier-2 Space, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2017 “Alien Matter - Transmediale 2017”, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany
2016 “Mouthy: Into The Orifice”, Science Gallery London, London, UK
2016 “Animal and Us”, Digital Art Center, Taipei, Taiwan
2016 “Dutch Design Week”, Microlab, Eindhoven, Netherlands
2016 “Designer's Gaze”, Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, Taipei, Taiwan
2016 “Coexist Exhibition - Try me”, Nanhai Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2016 “Bio Apartment Vol.3-Succession”, Radicalsign, Taipei, Taiwan
2015 “Digital Art Festival Taipei - Digitopia”, Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, Taipei, Taiwan
2015 “Imaginary Body Boundary”, Digital Art Center, Taipei, Taiwan
2015 “Bio Apartment Vol. 2 - Colonization (Bio) ", h*ours cafe, Taipei, Taiwan
2014 “#HLab14:JOG”, Langgeng Art Foundation, Jogjakarta, Indonesia
2014 “Taxidermist’s Magical Play”, YIRI Arts, Tainan, Taiwan
2014 “Missing Words”, 182artspace, Tainan, Taiwan
2013 “ART KAOHSIUNG 2013”, Chateau de Chine Hotel Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2013 “YOUNG ART TAIPEI (YAT) Contemporary Hotel Art Fair”, Sheraton Grande Taipei Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan
2013 “The Incubator - Biology + Science + Art Interdisciplinary Exhibition ”, Freedom Men Art Apartments, Taichung,
2013 “The League of Creators”, Taichung City Cultural Center Wen Ying Hall, Taichung, Taiwan
2013 “Worlds Apart Fair”, Conrad Hotel, Singapore
2012“The Ambiguous Pink Project – Organic Mimicry of Prosthesis / Fred Ku Solo Exhibition”, Mon Espace D'Art, Taipei, Taiwan
2012 “You Just Can’t Get What You Want”, A-7958 Gallery, Taichung, Taiwan
2012 “Both”, Shih Chien University, Taipei, Taiwan
2012 “Exhibition of the Newly Emerging Artists in Taiwan 3D Creation Series”, Taichung City Seaport Art Center, Taichung, Taiwan
2012 “There Is No Reason”, Shih Chien University, Taipei, Taiwan
2012 "Asia Contemporary Art Show - Hong Kong", Grand Hyatt Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
2012 “Party Is Over”, Shih Chien University, Taipei, Taiwan
2012 “Geisai Taiwan 3 Winners Exhibition”, Hidari Zingaro Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
2012 “Cos-Cosmos”, Shih Chien University, Taipei, Taiwan
2011 “Geisai Taiwan 3”, Huashan1914 Creative Park, Taipei, Taiwan
24/12/2024 “Challenging Biomedical Paradigms through Art and Design”
Taichung First Senior High School, Taichung, Taiwan
25/08/2024 The Growth Diary of a Bat – Exploring Bio Art and Speculative Design
Taipei Performing Arts Center, Taipei, Taiwan
10/05/2024 “Challenging Biomedical Paradigms through Art and Design”
NTNU Art Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
16/01/2024 Master Talk & Tour Event
MA Social Design, Design Academy Eindhoven, Eindhoven, Netherlands
17/12/2023 “Perverted Norm, Normal Pervert” Book Launch Event
Limestone Books, Maastricht, Netherlands
27/11/2023 Artist talk “Challenging biomedical paradigms through art and design”
Department of Visual Communication Design at Tainan University of Technology,
Tainan, Taiwan
22/11/2023 Artist talk “Challenging biomedical paradigms through art and design”
National Yilan Senior High School, Yilan, Taiwan
15/11/2023 Artist talk “Challenging biomedical paradigms through art and design”
Ling Tung University, Taichung, Taiwan
26/10/2023 Artist talk "Calico Human”
GUM - Gents Universiteitsmuseum, Gent, Belgium
24/10/2023 "A Crash Course: Media Art X LGBTQIA+” Panel Discussion
V2_ , Rotterdam, Netherlands
11/12/2022 “Making Love in the Zoo” Book Launch Event
Sexyland World, Amsterdam, Netherlands
03/10/2022 Artist talk “Interdisciplinary Practice of Artist & Scientist Collaboration”
National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
29/09/2022 “Deep Termite - Book Launch”
Kishu An Forest of Literature, Taipei, Taiwan
28/09/2022 Artist talk “Challenging biomedical paradigms through art and design”
National Chung-Hsing Senior High School, Nantou, Taiwan
14/06/2022 Broadcast “How to Biodesign #25: Open source biolab equipment & recipes”
An online program, BlueCity Lab, Netherlands
14/05/2022 “Queer Termite Project” - Art and Science online talk
An online program, Co-Evolution Research Assembly, Taipei, Taiwan
26/03/2022 “Heaven + Earth + Joe Davis” screening event
Jut Art Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
20/12/2020 #Food Design After Graduation, talk #108
online talk, Zuibishe, China
30/11/2020 Art, Design, Science, Future - Unbore's Pecha Kucha,
online event
28/11/2020 Science and Art Talk Screening - "Gene Noah's Ark"
National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan
05/11/2020 Five-fold Path, IAA Seminar on Arts and Design Post-Biological Culture Forum Lecture Series
Institute of Applied Art National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
31/10/2020 Artist Talk (Taiwan Biennial)
VT Art Salon, Taipei, Taiwan
26/10/2020 What’s New Media Art?
National Taichung theater, Taiwan
12/09/2020 Genetic Biotech through the eyes of artists
Are Electronica Garden, Brussels, Belgium
19/04/2020 PANT Public #2 : What Now? Foreign Artists in the Netherlands
Online Event
29/02/2020 Uncertainty Seminars
Stroom, Den Haag, Netherlands
27/11/2019 BAU Lab “BioArt Meets Performance”
Waag Society + BAU Dance & Performance, Amsterdam, Netherlands
26/10/2019 TV program "De toekomstbouwers (The Future Builder)" made by VPRO
Dutch National TV “NPO2”, Netherlands
23/05/2019 Challenging medical paradigms through art and design
University of the Underground, Sandberg Institute, Amsterdam, Netherlands
13/12/2018 Gogbot Café XL
Design lab, University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands
10/11/2017 Challenging medical paradigms through art and design
TEDxEindhoven. Philips Hall, Evoluon, Eindhoven, Netherlands
22/03/2017 Expanding the Body, Exploring Desire: Queer Research in Japanese and
Taiwanese Contexts
Queer Asia, SOAS, University of London, London, UK
02/11/2016 The Fellatio Modification Project
Guy’s Campus, King’s College London, London, UK
20/04/2016 When Science Meets Art
UCA Farnham - University for the Creative Arts, Farnham, UK
28/03/2016 Embrace Art and Science
Taipei National University of the Arts, Taipei, Taiwan
With Pei-Ying Lin
21/03/2016 The Fellatio Modification Project
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan
22/02/2016 Transdisciplinary Practice of Art and Medicine
Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan
20/02/2016 Art in Production Series
No Man’s Land, Taipei, Taiwan
With Bo-Wu Chen
27/06/2014 Fab Meetup - Food Fab - TW BioArt
Fabcafe Taipei
With Pei-Ying Lin
20/05/2014 BioArt in Asia - An Observation
Shih Chien University, Taipei, Taiwan.
With Pei-Ying Lin
29/11/2013 Artists in Labcoats - BioArt
Makerbar, Taipei, Taiwan.
With Pei-Ying Lin
Kuang-Yi Ku lives and works both in Taiwan and the Netherlands. He is an assistant professor at the Institute of Applied Arts in NYCU, Taiwan, and is doing his PhD research at Sheffield Hallam University, UK. The research topic is the interdisciplinary practice between art, design, and bioscience. He has graduated with triple master's degrees in social design from Design Academy Eindhoven, dentistry from National Yang-Ming University, and communication design from Shih Chien University. He is a former dentist, bio-artist, and speculative designer. He also co-founded TW BioArt (Taiwan bio art community) to stimulate the fields of BioArt and Science+Art in Taiwan. His works often deal with the human body, sexuality, interspecies interaction, and medical technology, aiming to investigate the relationships among technology, individuals and the environment.
Kuang-Yi Ku won Bio Art & Design Award in 2022 and Core77 Speculative Design Award in 2023 for the project “Atlas of Queer Anatomy”. His “Tiger Penis Project” has been awarded Gijs Bakker Award 2018, the annual prize for the best project by a graduating master’s student in Design Academy Eindhoven. He also won the 1st prize in the Taipei Digital Art Awards in 2015 with “The Fellatio Modification Project”, where he involves body modification, gender studies, queer theories, and dentistry all together. His works were featured in international media such as New Scientist, The Huffington Post, Elephant Magazine, DAMN° Magazine, Dezeen, Designboom, VICE, Dazed Digital, Daily Mail, New York Post, and so on.
2021-2026, PhD, Lab4Living, Culture and Creativity Research Institute, Sheffield Hallam University, UK
2018 Master of Arts, Social Design, Design Academy Eindhoven, Netherlands
2015 Master of Design, Communications Design, Shih Chien University, Taiwan
2015 Master of Dental Science, National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan
2009 Doctor of Dental Surgery, Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan
2023-ongoing Assistant Professor, Institute of Applied Arts, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
2023-ongoing Tutor, MA Social Design, Design Academy Eindhoven
2023 Guest Tutor, MA Ecology Futures, Master Institute of Visual Cultures - St. Joost School of Art & Design
2021-2023 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Institute of Applied Art, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
2020 Adjunct Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Design, Shih Chien University
2019-2023 Lecturer, Bio Art course, Department of New Media Art, Taipei National University of the Arts
2024 National Culture and Arts Foundation "Interdisciplinary Innovative Art Project”, Taiwan
2023 The Best Dutch Book Design, Netherlands
2023 Dutch Design Awards, Design Research, Nominee, Netherlands
2023 Core77 Design Award, Speculative Design Award, Professional Winner, US
2023 Pan Asian Award, Innovation Award, Nominee, Netherlands
2022 British Council, International Collaboration Grants
2022 Bio Art & Design Award, Winner, Netherlands
2021 Taipei Art Awards, Selected Award
2020 Design Trust Grant, Hong Kong
2019 Amsterdam Fund for the Arts (AFK), 3 Package Deal (Social Design), Netherlands
2019 Stimuleringsfonds, Talent Development, Netherlands
2019 Core77 Design Award, Speculative Design Award, Student Notable, US
2019 Creation Grants, “CREATORS Creative/Support Project”, Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab (C-Lab), Taiwan
2019 Creation Grants, Arts and Technology: Creative Innovation and Counseling Project, Ministry of Taiwan
2019 Stimuleringsfonds, design grants, Netherlands
2019 National Culture and Arts Foundation Grants (International cultural exchange), Taiwan
2018 Stimuleringsfonds, Starting grants, Netherlands
2018 National Culture and Arts Foundation Grants (creation grant), Taiwan
2018 Gijs Bakker Award 2018, Winner, Netherlands
2018 Future Food Design Award, Nominee, Netherlands
2018 National Culture and Arts Foundation Grants, Taiwan
2016 National Culture and Arts Foundation Grants, Taiwan
2016 “The Fellatio Modification Project” selected in “MOUTHY- Into The Orifice”, Science Gallery London
2016 Scholarship of Taiwan Government Sponsorship for Overseas Study (Transdisciplinary Art)
2016 Creation Grants, Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government
2015 Taipei Digital Art Awards, The First Prize
2012 Exhibition of the Newly Emerging Artists in Taiwan 3D Creation Series, Selected
2011 Geisai Taiwan 3, Most popular award
2024 Preliminary Review Committee Member, ΔDesignArt 2024 Exhibition Open Call
2024 Jury Member, Biomechanics Comic Competition
2023 Jury Member, STT “Future of the Body” Design Competition
2023 Preliminary Review Committee Member, Second Ideathon Competition
2020-now Founder, Coevolution Research Assembly (an NPO of artist and scientist collaboration)
2015-2016 Committee (Cultural Policy Consultant), Commission on Youth, Taipei City Government
2014-2020 Co-founder, Ouroboros - Organic Organism of O (Artist Collective)
2012-now Co-founder, TW BioArt (Taiwan BioArt Community)
2011-2015 Dentist, Private Dental Clinic
2009-2011 Dentist, Taipei Veterans General Hospital
2020-2022 STUDIOTOPIA – Art meets Science in the Anthropocene
hosted by GLUON in collaboration with VIB Grand Challenge Program (BE)
Funded by Creative Europe program of the European Union
2019-2020 “3 Package Deal”, social design category (Waag Society + Next Nature Network), Amsterdam,
Netherlands. Funded by Amsterdam Fund for the Arts (AFK)
2018 AirWG, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2018 Waag Society, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Funded by National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
2016 Eindhoven, Netherlands
Funded by World Design Capital Taipei 2016 (Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government)
2016 FACT (Foundation for Art and Creative Technology), Liverpool, UK
Funded by National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
31/08/2024 Bat Night Market (Taiwan Premiere)
~01/09/2024 Taipei Arts Festival, Taipei, Taiwan
Leading Artist with Rob Johnson
11/06/2024 Bat Night Market (World Premiere)
~15/06/2024 LIFT (London International Festival of Theatre, London, UK
Leading Artist with Rob Johnson
26/08/2023 Bat Banquet - 3rd Work-In-Progress Presentation
~27/08/2023 Taipei Arts Festival, Taipei Backstage Pool, Taipei, Taiwan
Leading Artist with Rob Johnson
25/03/2023 Bat Brunch Lab
Science Gallery London, London, UK
Leading Artist with Rob Johnson
25/09/2022 Bat Feast Lab
Taipei Arts Festival, National Taiwan Science Education Center, Taipei, Taiwan
Leading Artist with Rob Johnson
29/11/2024 Queer Anatomy Lesson
Yonghe Community University, Taiwan
04/08/2024 AI Dream Interpretation Workshop
48x48 GAYA, Hualien, Taiwan
Tutor with Tzu-Yen Chen, Dondon Hounwn, Temu Basaw
21/07/2024 Cli-Fi Workshop - Future Press Lab
Hong-Gah Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
Tutor with Yi-Chi Wang, Shun-Te Wang
11/05/2023 Queer Anatomy Lesson
“Making Clinical Sense Fringe Editions” Making TOGETHER, Maastricht, Netherlands
Tutor with dermatologist Henry de Vries
04/04/2023 Queer Anatomy Lesson
Amsterdam UMC, Netherlands
Tutor with dermatologist Henry de Vries
01/12/2022 Queer Anatomy Lesson
National Congress STI*HIV*Sex 2022, Utrecht, Netherlands
Tutor with dermatologist Henry de Vries
23/11/2022 Drawing an Atlas of Queer Anatomy
MU Hybrid Art House, Eindhoven, Netherlands
Tutor with dermatologist Henry de Vries
09/10/2022 Cli-fi Workshop - Future Press Lab
Social Innovation Lab, Taipai, Taiwan
Tutor with climate scientist Yi-Chi Wang
02/10/2022 Bio Art Workshop - Filthy Anatomy Lesson
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taipei, Taiwan
Tutor with dermatologist Henry de Vries
31/03/2022 Food Design Workshop
Hosted by Dimension Plus TW and National Taichung Theater
National Chung-Hsing Senior High School
Taichung Municipal Dajia Senior High School
02/08/2020 Designing Disease - the Theatre of Future Medicine
Department of Industrial Design, Shih Chien University
02/08/2020 Imagining a Bio Lab
Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab (C-LAB), Taipei, Taiwan
Tutor with Paul Gong
04/07/2020 Fictional Life: Hybridity, Transgenics, Innovation - Future Body Imagination
Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab (C-LAB), Taipei, Taiwan
Tutor with Paul Gong
16/11/2019 Food Design Workshop (Microwave International New Media Arts Festival)
Exhibition Hall, Hong Kong City Hall, Hong Kong
Tutor with Adelaide Tam
30/06/2019 Heartbeat of the Earth
De Ketelfactory, Schiedam, Netherlands
Tutor with Arita Baaijens and Corine Datema
14/01/2019 Bioart - Imagining the Laboratories of Artists
~16/01/2019 Department of New Media Art, Taipei National University of the Arts, Taiwan
Tutor with Paul Gong, Theresa Tsao, Pei-Ying Lin
13/10/2018 Asian Futurism Dinner
Natlab, Eindhoven, Netherlands
Artist with Pei-Ying Lin
06/10/2018 Tiger Penis: The Future of Chinese Medicine
Mediamatic, Amsterdam, Netherlands
04/10/2018 The body as sensor: fortune telling by pulse
Waag Society, Amsterdam, Netherlands
09/06/2018 Workshop derived from the Tiger Penis Project - Workshop About Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Baltan Laboratories, Eindhoven, Netherlands
13/10/2017 Workshop with Kuang-Yi Ku
FACT Lab, Liverpool, UK
29/07/2017, Workshop of Biological Fortunetelling
05/08/2017 Yiri Living Space, Taipei, Taiwan
Tutor with Pei-Ying Lin, Paul Gong, Ai Hasegawa and Yiyun Chen
02/11/2016 Fellatio Modification Project: Sex and Dentistry Skills Workshop
London Dental Education Center, London, UK
16/08/2015 Bio-fiction Taiwan - Bio-Art Workshop
National Taiwan Science Education Center, Taipei, Taiwan
Tutor with Pei-Ying Lin
30/05/2015 The Future of Body Modification - Bio-Art Workshop
National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
14/11/2014 Bio-fiction of Electrophysiology - Bioart Workshop
~19/11/2014 Shih Chien University, Taipei, Taiwan
Tutor, with Pei-Ying Lin, Cheng Guo and Yi-Ling Wu
23/04/2014 Dildomancy - Sexology workshop
Kedai Kebun Forum, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Tutor, with Pechblenda and Cindy Lin
11/10/2013 “Living, Food, and Its Extend” - Bioart Workshop
~ 12/10/2013 National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan
Tutor, with Pei-Ying Lin
Conferences & Art Festivals
31/10/2024 11th International Biennial Conference on Museum Studies
Taipei National University of the Arts, Taipei, Taiwan
27/09/2024 Collecting and Assembling: The Atlas as Method Roundtable Forum
Conference of German Society for Media Studies, Johannes Gutenberg University,
Mainz, Germany
07/02/2023 3rd International Temporal Design Symposium “Designing Temporal Ecologies”
~08/02/2023 Design Informatics, University of Edinburgh, UK
02/11/2022 “Border Sessions” Tech Culture conference
The Grey Space in the Middle, The Hague, Netherlands
16/10/2022 Technology and Art - “Grandmom Mom” Project
Science Communication Conference, National Science and Technology Council
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taipei, Taiwan
04/11/2019 “Brave New World” conference
Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden, Netherlands
07/09/2019 Gogbot conference
Wilminktheater en Muziekcentrum, Enschede, Netherlands
06/07/2019 Public event of Placebo effect conference
Rijksmuseum Boerhaave/Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands
Attending presenter
29/08/2018~ 4S Sydney - TRANSnational STS, Society for Social Studies of Science Annual Conference
01/09/2018 Sydney International Convention Centre, Sydney, Australia
Attending presenter
01/10/2015 Neolife -The Inaugural Rest of the World Meeting of the Society for
Literature, Science and The Arts
The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia
Attending presenter
02/10/2014 Arse Elektronika - Conference of Sex and Technology
~05/10/2014 Center for Sex and Culture, San Francisco, US
Attending presenter
04/08/2014 TransHACKfeminist! - Conference of Feminism
~11/08/2014 Ca La Fou, Barcelona, Spain
Attending presenter
13/04/2014 Hackterialab 2014
~25/04/2014 Kedai Kebun Forum, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
2024 19th Digital Art Festival Taipei - Chimera Island, C-LAB, Taipei, Taiwan
Curator with Hsiang Wen Chen
2023 “WeWe Futures: Tap to your future”, Taiwan Design Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
2024 “The Best Dutch Book Designs 2023”, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Netherlands
2024 “PIXEL GODS. TAIWAN DIGITAL”, L.E.V. Festival, Matadero Madrid, Madrid, Spain
2024–2026 “School of the End of the World”, National Taiwan Science Education Center, Taipei, Taiwan
2024 “Gods of Water: Kuang Yi Ku Solo Exhibition”, Hong-Gah Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
2024 “Superpower Design”, Centre for Innovation and Design, Grand-Hornu, Belgium
2024 “Living Looonger”, De Studio NEMO Science Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2023 “Dutch Design Awards” at Dutch Design Week, Miceolab Hall, Eindhoven, Netherlands
2023 “Love, Designed”, Design Museum Den Bosch, Den Bosch, Netherlands
2023 “Repetition and Difference: Posthuman.Diverse Species”, NYCU Arts Center, Hsinchu, Taiwan
2023 “Co-becoming (s)”, Museum of National Taipei University of Education, Taipei, Taiwan
2022 “Beyond Borders and Binaries”, MU Hybrid Art House, Eindhoven, Netherlands
2022 “The Planetarian”, Beijing Design Festival, Beijing, China
2022 “Reproduction Otherwise”, MU Hybrid Art House, Eindhoven, Netherlands
2022 “IWAKAN MAGAZINE 5th EXHIBITION”, gallery -1, Tokyo, Japan
2022 “WeWe Futures: 2040 Plurality”, Taiwan Design Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
2022 “Taoyuan Art x Technology Festival (TAxT)”, Taoyuan Arts Center, Taoyuan, Taiwan
2022 “STUDIO(dys)TOPIA – At the Peak of Humankind”, Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria
2022 “Entangled: bio/media”, Chronus Art Center (CAC), Shanghai, China
2022 “Zagreb Design Week”, Zagreb, Croatia
2022 “Unknown Unknowns”, Triennale Milano, Milan, Italy
2022 “Colliding Epistemes: Art & Science Exhibition”, Cluj Culture Center, Cluj, Romania
2022 “Colliding Epistemes: Science for Art's sake?”, Bozar, Brussels, Belgium
2022 “The 5th Anniversary of Jut Art Museum - LIVES: Life, Survival, Living”, Jut Art Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
2022 “Colliding Epistemes: Art, Science, Anthropocene”,Laznia Center for Contemporary Art, Gdansk, Poland
2021 “Taipei Art Awards”, Taipei Fine Art Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
2021 “Provocative Futures II: Speculation, Medical Science, Human Body and Gender”, Digital Art Center, Taipei, Taiwan
2021 “Phantasmapolis - 2021 Asian Art Biennial”, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, , Taichung, Taiwan
2021 “Embassy of Food”, Dutch Design Week, Eindhoven, Netherlands
2021 “Embassy of Inclusive Society”, Dutch Design Week, Eindhoven, Netherlands
2021 “It’s in our Nature”, Dutch Design Week, Eindhoven, Netherlands
2021 “Kuang-Yi Ku: Form Follows Fiction”,Willem Twee Kunstruimte, Den Bosch, Netherlands
2021 “Folk is Strange Thing”, Ziemniaki, Warsaw, Poland
2021 “Grandmom Mom”, Honggah Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
2021 “Interspecies Future”, Center for Book Arts, New York, US
2021 "Dwell in Light-2021 Treasure Hill Light Festival”, Treasure Hill Artist Village, Taipei, Taiwan
2020 “CHRONIQUES - Biennale of Digital Imagination”, Marseille, France
2020 “Taiwan HYPE Exhibition”, Taipei. Taiwan
2020 “Sci-fi Prototype”, Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab (C-LAB), Taipei, Taiwan
2020 "Embassy of Health" - World Design Embassies, virtual exhibition
2020 "Genetic (R)evolution: BioArt Exhibition" National Yangming University Arts Center, Taipei, Taiwan
2020 “Taiwan Biennial”, VT Art Salon, Taipei, Taiwan
2020 "new now - critical, speculative and fictional“, Sunsun Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
2020 “Provocative Futures: Speculation, human body, and medical science - Paul Gong & Kuang-Yi Ku Double Solo Exhibition”, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan
2020 Unpacking the 3Pckage Deal 2019/2020, VondelCS, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2020 Artificial Unit, TheCube Project Space, Taipei, Taiwan
2020 Uncertainty Seminars, Stroom Den Haag, Netherlands
2019 “State of Extremes", Design Museum Holon, Holon, Israel
2019 “Microwave International New Media Arts Festival E.A.T.”, Exhibition Hall, Low Block, Hong Kong City Hall, Hong Kong
2019 “RTS: ReTranSens - 14th Digital Art Festival Taipei”, Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei, Taiwan
2019 “Inscience International Film Festival”, Mariënburgkapel, Nijmegen, Netherlands
2019 “Przemiany Festival”, Copernicus Science Centre, Warsaw, Poland
2019 “Embassy of Health”,klokgebouw, Eindhoven, Netherlands
2019 “City Flip-Flop”, C-Lab, Taipei, Taiwan
2019 “Ars Electronica”, “Human Limitations – Limited Humanity”, POSTCITY Linz, Austria
2019 “Gogbot Festival”, “Bio The New Digital”, Grote Kerk, Enschede, Netherlands
2019 “Friday Late: Pick of the Litter”, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK
2019 “Farming the Future - Zoom in and Out”, TAC, Eindhoven, Netherlands
2019 “Beyond Species - The art exhibition”, FIT, New York, America
2019 “Creatures Made to Measure”, Design Museum Gent, Gent, Belgium
2019 “Milan re-used”, Yksi Expo, Eindhoven, Netherlands
2019 “Future (H)eart(H): 8 Dutch Design visions for a livable earth” Ventura Future, Base Milano, Milan, Italy
2019 “TEC ART” festival, Worm Slash Gallery, Rotterdam, Netherlands
2018 “Tiger Penis Project Exhibition”, Baltan Laboratories, Eindhoven, Netherlands
2018 “L.A.B: 2018 NCKU Bi²ennale – Technology and Art”, NCKU Art Center, Tainan, Taiwan
2018 “ReShape - Mutating Systems, Bodies and Perspectives”, MU artspace, Eindhoven, Netherlands
2018 “Embassy of Food - Edible Invisible”, De Witte Dame, Eindhoven, Netherlands
2018 “G18 - Graduation Show of Design Academy Eindhoven”, De Campina, Eindhoven, Netherlands
2018 “Embassy of Health - Chronic Health”, Innovation Powerhouse, Eindhoven, Netherlands
2017 “Designing Desire”, FACT, Liverpool, UK
2017 “Materialising the Internet”, MU, Eindhoven, Netherlands
2017 “Atypical Human”, YIRI Arts, Taipei, Taiwan
2017 “Future Lab”, Play Design Hotel, Taipei,Taiwan
2017 “Satyricon”, Yiri Arts at Kaohsiung’s Pier-2 Space, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2017 “Alien Matter - Transmediale 2017”, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany
2016 “Mouthy: Into The Orifice”, Science Gallery London, London, UK
2016 “Animal and Us”, Digital Art Center, Taipei, Taiwan
2016 “Dutch Design Week”, Microlab, Eindhoven, Netherlands
2016 “Designer's Gaze”, Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, Taipei, Taiwan
2016 “Coexist Exhibition - Try me”, Nanhai Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2016 “Bio Apartment Vol.3-Succession”, Radicalsign, Taipei, Taiwan
2015 “Digital Art Festival Taipei - Digitopia”, Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, Taipei, Taiwan
2015 “Imaginary Body Boundary”, Digital Art Center, Taipei, Taiwan
2015 “Bio Apartment Vol. 2 - Colonization (Bio) ", h*ours cafe, Taipei, Taiwan
2014 “#HLab14:JOG”, Langgeng Art Foundation, Jogjakarta, Indonesia
2014 “Taxidermist’s Magical Play”, YIRI Arts, Tainan, Taiwan
2014 “Missing Words”, 182artspace, Tainan, Taiwan
2013 “ART KAOHSIUNG 2013”, Chateau de Chine Hotel Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2013 “YOUNG ART TAIPEI (YAT) Contemporary Hotel Art Fair”, Sheraton Grande Taipei Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan
2013 “The Incubator - Biology + Science + Art Interdisciplinary Exhibition ”, Freedom Men Art Apartments, Taichung,
2013 “The League of Creators”, Taichung City Cultural Center Wen Ying Hall, Taichung, Taiwan
2013 “Worlds Apart Fair”, Conrad Hotel, Singapore
2012“The Ambiguous Pink Project – Organic Mimicry of Prosthesis / Fred Ku Solo Exhibition”, Mon Espace D'Art, Taipei, Taiwan
2012 “You Just Can’t Get What You Want”, A-7958 Gallery, Taichung, Taiwan
2012 “Both”, Shih Chien University, Taipei, Taiwan
2012 “Exhibition of the Newly Emerging Artists in Taiwan 3D Creation Series”, Taichung City Seaport Art Center, Taichung, Taiwan
2012 “There Is No Reason”, Shih Chien University, Taipei, Taiwan
2012 "Asia Contemporary Art Show - Hong Kong", Grand Hyatt Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
2012 “Party Is Over”, Shih Chien University, Taipei, Taiwan
2012 “Geisai Taiwan 3 Winners Exhibition”, Hidari Zingaro Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
2012 “Cos-Cosmos”, Shih Chien University, Taipei, Taiwan
2011 “Geisai Taiwan 3”, Huashan1914 Creative Park, Taipei, Taiwan
24/12/2024 “Challenging Biomedical Paradigms through Art and Design”
Taichung First Senior High School, Taichung, Taiwan
25/08/2024 The Growth Diary of a Bat – Exploring Bio Art and Speculative Design
Taipei Performing Arts Center, Taipei, Taiwan
10/05/2024 “Challenging Biomedical Paradigms through Art and Design”
NTNU Art Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
16/01/2024 Master Talk & Tour Event
MA Social Design, Design Academy Eindhoven, Eindhoven, Netherlands
17/12/2023 “Perverted Norm, Normal Pervert” Book Launch Event
Limestone Books, Maastricht, Netherlands
27/11/2023 Artist talk “Challenging biomedical paradigms through art and design”
Department of Visual Communication Design at Tainan University of Technology,
Tainan, Taiwan
22/11/2023 Artist talk “Challenging biomedical paradigms through art and design”
National Yilan Senior High School, Yilan, Taiwan
15/11/2023 Artist talk “Challenging biomedical paradigms through art and design”
Ling Tung University, Taichung, Taiwan
26/10/2023 Artist talk "Calico Human”
GUM - Gents Universiteitsmuseum, Gent, Belgium
24/10/2023 "A Crash Course: Media Art X LGBTQIA+” Panel Discussion
V2_ , Rotterdam, Netherlands
11/12/2022 “Making Love in the Zoo” Book Launch Event
Sexyland World, Amsterdam, Netherlands
03/10/2022 Artist talk “Interdisciplinary Practice of Artist & Scientist Collaboration”
National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
29/09/2022 “Deep Termite - Book Launch”
Kishu An Forest of Literature, Taipei, Taiwan
28/09/2022 Artist talk “Challenging biomedical paradigms through art and design”
National Chung-Hsing Senior High School, Nantou, Taiwan
14/06/2022 Broadcast “How to Biodesign #25: Open source biolab equipment & recipes”
An online program, BlueCity Lab, Netherlands
14/05/2022 “Queer Termite Project” - Art and Science online talk
An online program, Co-Evolution Research Assembly, Taipei, Taiwan
26/03/2022 “Heaven + Earth + Joe Davis” screening event
Jut Art Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
20/12/2020 #Food Design After Graduation, talk #108
online talk, Zuibishe, China
30/11/2020 Art, Design, Science, Future - Unbore's Pecha Kucha,
online event
28/11/2020 Science and Art Talk Screening - "Gene Noah's Ark"
National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan
05/11/2020 Five-fold Path, IAA Seminar on Arts and Design Post-Biological Culture Forum Lecture Series
Institute of Applied Art National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
31/10/2020 Artist Talk (Taiwan Biennial)
VT Art Salon, Taipei, Taiwan
26/10/2020 What’s New Media Art?
National Taichung theater, Taiwan
12/09/2020 Genetic Biotech through the eyes of artists
Are Electronica Garden, Brussels, Belgium
19/04/2020 PANT Public #2 : What Now? Foreign Artists in the Netherlands
Online Event
29/02/2020 Uncertainty Seminars
Stroom, Den Haag, Netherlands
27/11/2019 BAU Lab “BioArt Meets Performance”
Waag Society + BAU Dance & Performance, Amsterdam, Netherlands
26/10/2019 TV program "De toekomstbouwers (The Future Builder)" made by VPRO
Dutch National TV “NPO2”, Netherlands
23/05/2019 Challenging medical paradigms through art and design
University of the Underground, Sandberg Institute, Amsterdam, Netherlands
13/12/2018 Gogbot Café XL
Design lab, University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands
10/11/2017 Challenging medical paradigms through art and design
TEDxEindhoven. Philips Hall, Evoluon, Eindhoven, Netherlands
22/03/2017 Expanding the Body, Exploring Desire: Queer Research in Japanese and
Taiwanese Contexts
Queer Asia, SOAS, University of London, London, UK
02/11/2016 The Fellatio Modification Project
Guy’s Campus, King’s College London, London, UK
20/04/2016 When Science Meets Art
UCA Farnham - University for the Creative Arts, Farnham, UK
28/03/2016 Embrace Art and Science
Taipei National University of the Arts, Taipei, Taiwan
With Pei-Ying Lin
21/03/2016 The Fellatio Modification Project
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan
22/02/2016 Transdisciplinary Practice of Art and Medicine
Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan
20/02/2016 Art in Production Series
No Man’s Land, Taipei, Taiwan
With Bo-Wu Chen
27/06/2014 Fab Meetup - Food Fab - TW BioArt
Fabcafe Taipei
With Pei-Ying Lin
20/05/2014 BioArt in Asia - An Observation
Shih Chien University, Taipei, Taiwan.
With Pei-Ying Lin
29/11/2013 Artists in Labcoats - BioArt
Makerbar, Taipei, Taiwan.
With Pei-Ying Lin