Tarot of Pulse
Tarot of Pulse aims to create a pseudoscientific fortune-telling system by combining the concepts of sphygmomanometer from Western medicine, feeling and visualizing pulse in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and Tarot fortunetelling. Through the fictional system, artist Kuang-Yi Ku tries to feel and visualize his pulse, and predict his future by the images of his pulse. The system might provide him a new method of understanding his body. In this project, he attempts to explore the details of body which was abandoned by the “objective” contemporary science.
Supported by National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts and Waag Society
These cards consist of 15 different pulses based on traditional Chinese medicine. And each kind of pulse has 3 different illustrations. So tarot of pulse contains total 45 different cards.
Workshop: "The body as sensor: fortune telling by pulse" at Waag Society, Amsterdam, Netherlands.